School Uniform

School Uniform

School Uniform is compulsory on all class days. Parents and Guardians are requested to adhere strictly to the following specification regarding the school uniform. Each student must have at least 2 sets of uniform.

Nursery to UKG

Girls General Uniform : Black pleated tunic, check shirts, tie, black shoes, black socks, Red hair band.
Girls PT Uniform : Blue pleated tunic, blue lined check shirt and white canvas shoes and Red hair band, white socks.
Boys General Uniform : Black shorts/ check shirts, tie, black socks, plain black leather shoes with laces.
Boys PT Uniform : Blue lined check shirts / blue shorts and white canvas shoes, white socks.

St. Joseph's School, Banka

I to X

Boys General Uniform : Gray colour shorts / pants with pleats, sky blue lined check shirts (Half sleeves), gray tie, gray socks, black shoes with laces and white canvas shoes.
Boys PT/House Uniform : House T-shirts,(Half sleeves), white shirts, pants with pleats, white socks and white canvas shoe.
Girls General Uniform : Gray colour shirts, sky blue lined check skirts, gray tie, gray socks, black shoes and red hair band.
Girls PT/House Uniform : House T-shirts (Half sleeves), white skirts, white socks, white canvas shoes and red hair band.

XI and XII

Boys General Uniform : Black colour pants with pleats,pink shirts (Full sleeves), Black strip tie, black socks, black shoes with laces.
Girls General Uniform : Pink colour shirts, Black colour pants, Black strip tie,Black socks, black shoes with laces, red hair band.

In winter
Nursery to UKG
Boys : Black Blazer, brown Cap, Black full pant and Blue full pants.
Girls : Black Blazer, brown scarf, Black leggings, White leggings.
I to X
Boys : Gray Blazer, Gray muffler, Gray full pant
Girls : Gray Blazer, Gray muffler, Gray & White leggings
House/PT uniform : Thursday & Saturday
General uniform : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday


The School endeavors to inculcate habits of cleanliness and neatness and parents are requested in the interest of their children and the school to see that their children are always turned out smartly not only while attending school but also at public places or while attending any function
Boys : Black Blazer, Black muffler
Girls : Black Blazer, Black muffler