Prayers Before Class

No: 01

O Lord help us with your grace to begin, continue and finish the work for your greater honour and glory. Enlighten our minds that we may understand what we are going to study and apply ourselves deligently to the work in hand. Lord, throughout this day, let me be faithful to my duties, respectful and courteous to my teachers, companions and everyone I will meet. Above all let me never offend you by my thoughts, words or actions.

No: 02

O my God,
Teach me to love you with all my heart
Help me never to displease You
By any wicked thing.
Strengthen my weakness.
Help me to fight on in time of temptation
And when I feel afraid.
Help me to think the right things.
To speak the right things,
To do the right things,
So that I may be a help to my friends
And to all others around me.
Bless me with knowledge and understanding.
Bless my country,
My parents, my teachers,
My brothers and sisters
And all who do good to me.
Grant that one day
We may all come safely home to heaven Amen.

No: 03

God Almighty,
You have brought us safely
To the beginning of this day / week.
Defend us today by your mighty power,
So that we may not fall into sin.
Guide us with your wisdom.
Which will enable us at all times
To know what to do.

Make us know when to speak,
And when to be silent,
Make us know when to act,
And when to wait.

Protect us, our teachers and parents,
So that in all our thoughts,
Words and actions,
We may be so guided by you,
As to do always,
What is holy in your sight. Amen

No: 04

O God ! You are the Truth and the Origin of all Knowledge, bless our studies which we offer to you. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our memories and direct our will towards what is right. Grant us to seek truth always and make us truly wise.

No: 05

O my God, I offer you, every thought, word and act of today, Please bless me my God and make me good today.
The Lord’s Prayer Prayer after Class
Our Father
Who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
Our daily bread
Forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not
Into temptation
But deliver us from evil. Amen.
O my God, I love you and I thank you for all the benefits you have showered upon me. I am sorry for ever having offended you and I promise never to offend you again. Lord ! We are now going home. Bless our Parents, teachers and all those who have been good to us today. Be with us till we reach home and protect us from accidents, sickness and misfortunes and keep us always safe in your loving care.