Guide Lines for Parents and Students

Guide Lines for Parents and Students

  1. Parents and Guardians are requested to co-operate with the school authorities in all matters concerning formation and education of their child. Parents are to look into the school diary every evening and see to it that the lessons and home works assigned for the next day are done. Remarks made in the diary by the principal or the teacher should be seen and countersigned.
  2. Criticism of child’s teacher or his/her school in the presence of child should be avoided as it is likely to effect the good name of both.
  3. If the parents have any grievance against any of the teachers, they are advised to meet the principal and settle the matter amicably.
  4. We do not recommend that parents engage private tutors unnecessarily. We discourage tuitions since they may prove harmful to the real progress of the pupil and parents are to seek principal’s permission to engage the school teachers for private tuition. School teachers are not permitted to take tuition for their own students.
  5. Parents are always welcome to interview the Principal to discuss the progress of the children either during the Principal’s meeting hours specified in the diary or through a prior appointment. To consult the teachers regarding the progress of their children, appointment is to be made through the Principal or Vice-Principal for free periods of teachers or after class hours.
  6. Parents are expected to urge their wards to be regular and punctual in attendance and insist on neatness and cleanliness in the text books, exercise books and personal appearance.
  7. No Parent/Guardian is allowed to go to any class room or go upstairs without the specific permission from school authorities.
  8. Parents are not allowed to see their wards during class hours without special permission of the principal.
  9. All communications to the school should be addressed to the principal.
    Along with the right to education, the student has a corresponding responsibility to co-operate fully with all persons employed by the School Management and other persons who have been assigned responsibilities with respect to the service provided by the School Management. Students are expected to be diligent in their studies, disciplined as would be exercised by a kind, firm and judicious parent.
    Parents may be asked to attend an interview regarding disciplinary problems. The aim of the school is to develop within the student a sense of self-discipline. The true meaning of discipline is training of mind or character.
  10. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence, habitual late coming, disobedience or objectionable behaviour of any kind, may result in removal of a student from the school.
  11. Children are held responsible for unnecessary or wilful damage to school property. A flat payment will be charged to help offset the cost of repairs or replacement as necessary.
  12. No student is permitted to leave the school premises except on the strength of a letter of authorization from his/her guardian.
  13. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each articles should be marked with the pupil’s name. No jewellery is to be worn in the school.
  14. Every child attending school is obliged to take part in drills, games and other school activities. For health reasons, a student can be exempted from drills, games and other activities provided the parents inform the school about it in writing.
  15. Student must be in the School well in time to be ready for the Morning Assembly before the class begins. The school gate will be closed 5 minutes before class begins and students who come late will not be allowed to attend the school for that day.
  16. Staying away from school without leave is not tolerated except when the case is sudden illness or unforeseen circumstances. No leave of absence is given nor a student is allowed to go away from school during school hours without a previous written application from the parents stating the reason which must be a serious one. Whenever leave has been sanctioned, the fact should be recorded in the regularity record.
    After an absence from class, pupils must bring the reason duly entered in the regularity record stating briefly the cause of the absence or delay. Any student who has been absent from the school for more than 20 Calendar Days without Principal’s permission or without proper information to the school will be struck off the roll and may not be re-admitted.
    In case of genuine and convincing reason for the absence, the Principal may grant permission to a student to continue his/her study in the school provided he/she takes re-admission in the school paying fresh admission fee and clearing all pending dues to the school.
  17. First day of the class after long holidays is compulsory. In case of absent on the reopening day without permission Rs. 25/- per day has to be paid for
  18. Medical certificate is necessary in case of sickness for over three days.
  19. Three weeks quarantine period must be observed for whooping cough, chicken pox. measles and mumps. Students infected by the infectious diseases or exposed to such diseases in their homes must complete the quarantine period before rejoining school. This should be indicated on the Medical Certificate.
  20. Identity card should be produced by Parents/Guardians in the office for any reason while taking their wards from school.
  21. Leave for religious ceremonies or special occasions must be obtained beforehand.
  22. Early departure. It is availed when there is an emergency at home or a student gets sick in the school. It is not granted to those who come from home sick. A sick child must not come to school for any reason whatsoever.
  23. Students are to address their teachers and all members of school staff with due respect and politeness. Arrogant and challenging behaviour towards teaching or non-teaching staff 16 is not desired. It can result in suspension of the student from the school.
  24. On their way to and from school, students must behave in a gentlemanly manner with due honour to the name of the school.
  25. Smoking, chewing pan, chewing gum, betel-nut or tobacco etc. are strictly forbidden within the school precinct. Students must have proper and neat hair cut. Stylish hair cut will not be encouraged.
  26. Students are not allowed to bring fancy items to school such as electronic gadgets (fancy watches, the digital diaries, cell phones, cameras, walkman etc.)
  27. Students must speak only in English within the school campus. Serious steps will be taken against those found speaking vernacular in school campus at any time. This rule is applicable even on holidays.