Education Fees

Education Fees

Please Note :

Fees have to be deposited either in the Bank or by using School mobile App. Bank accepts fee before 15th of every month. January and February fee must be paid together before 30th of January.
Cash deposit in the school counter highly discouraged

  1. The fees cover twelve calendar months and may be paid in monthly installments or in advance. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Pupils will be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls.
  2. Fees are to be deposited in the school as per specified dates in every month failing of which a late fine of Rs. 25/- will be levied thereafter.
  3. The school reserves its right to revise the fees without prior notice.
  4. Fee defaulters may be barred from the examinations and are liable to have their name struck off the rolls.
St. Joseph's School, Banka