

St. Joseph's School, Banka

The School has a library which contains recreational reading materials as well as reference materials which supplement the student’s studies. The students are encouraged to borrow books from the library.

  1. Strict silence shall be observed in the library and the reading room.
  2. Each pupil is entitled to take out as loan one book at a time while each teacher is entitled to take out two books at a time and keep the same for 15 days. Periodical Publications, Dictionaries, Guides and other costly reference books shall not be lent out.
  1. Students are expected to return the books in the same condition as they were borrowed. If a book is damaged or lost the students will be requested to pay the replacement cost with fine.
  2. The attention of the librarian should be drawn to the damage of the books about to be borrowed.
  3. Books should be wrapped and used.
  4. Issue of the books may at any time be suspended by the order of the Principal.
  5. All books taken from the library should be returned two weeks before the examinations.

School Bus

  1. Transportation for school children is arranged by the school for those residing in the town area but a seat in the bus is not guaranteed. The school bus runs through the main roads and halts at fixed places. Arrangements therefore must be made by the guardians to bring the children to the bus stop and take them back home.
  2. High School children who are residing within town are encouraged to come to school on their own.
  3. Conveyance fee is charged according to the distance and are to be paid along with the tuition fees monthly. Fee of an entire month will be charged even for partial use of the conveyance in any month.
  4. The school bus service is directly under the control of the Principal. Any suggestion or complaints may be made only to the Principal and not to the bus staff.
St. Joseph's School, Banka
  1. Reasonable care is taken by the school for the safety of the children in the school premises. But the school authorities shall not be held responsible for accidents and other eventualities which are beyond their control.
  2. A student should not be taken off the bus at stops that she/ he does not use each day. In case of serious need, a letter from parents should be written to the Principal a day in advance. So that correct procedures may be maintained.
  3. Students must bring their Bus Passes daily.
  4. Students who want to discontinue the use of the school bus should inform the school authorities at least one month in advance.
  5. Bus facility cannot be cancelled after 30th of November. In case of cancellation, remaining months fees will be charged.
  6. Even for the partial use of the conveyance, fees of 11 months will be charged.
  7. Conveyance facilities may be withdrawn for disciplinary reasons.

In Order To Ensure Safety on the Bus

  • Students should not travel on the foot board of the bus
  • Senior students must ensure that the junior students are seated.
  • Students should not crowd the entrance of the bus at any time