Co-Curriculars And Extra-Curricular Programmes

Co-Curriculars And Extra-Curricular Programmes

A.  Excursions and field trips:

It is recognized that there are occasions when the objectives of the curriculum on a subject area can be best achieved through a field trip or excursion. A learning experience outside the school can provide some unique opportunities to stimulate student’s curiosity and add incentives for learning. If students will be involved in field trip occurring after school hours, parent’s approval will be required.

B.  Special Project :

Each year, St. Joseph’s School supports a number of charitable organizations at the local, the national and the International level. Funds are raised through a variety of projects, always stressing student’s involvement and understanding of the purpose of the Project.

St. Joseph's School, Banka

C.  School Athletics :

St. Joseph’s School recognizes the importance of extra­curricular activities to the over all physical and social development of young students. The School system has well established intramural programmes for both boys and girls. Such activities as Cricket, Football, Basket ball and KhoKho are played in house leagues.